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VroniPlag Wiki

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/* Copyright 2012 Marcusb @ Vroniplag Wiki.
   Licensed under GNU General Public License v3 or later.  */

/* Requires jquery.  */

// http://www.dweebd.com/javascript/binary-search-an-array-in-javascript/
Array.prototype.binarySearch = function(find, comparator) {
    var low = 0, high = this.length - 1,
    i, comparison;
    while (low <= high) {
	i = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
	comparison = comparator(this[i], find);
	if (comparison < 0) { low = i + 1; }
	else if (comparison > 0) { high = i - 1; }
	else { return i; }
    return -1;

/* Default to colored frags?  */
var frag_color_default = true;

/* Global list of callbacks to toggle frags.  FIXME: Proper usability would keep track of state of
   individual frags and cycle through none-current-all in a smart manner (skipping none or all if
   identical to current).  */
var frag_list = [];

/* Text comparison.  */
function cmp_text(documents, min_run_length)
    var no_self_similarities = true;

    /* documents is an array of token lists.  Each token list is an array of tokens.
       tokens are strings that must not contain the special "\x01" character.

       The return is a list of matches in the form:
       [ doc_1, start_1, doc_2, start_token_2, length ]

       where doc_X are indices into the documents array, and start_X
       are indices into the respective token list of the documents.
    var final_match_list = [];
    /* For each min_length token run in each document, we store [ doc,
       start ].  */
    var match_table = { };

    var docs = documents.length;
    var documents_len = [];

    for (var doc_idx = 0; doc_idx < docs; doc_idx++)
	var doc = documents[doc_idx];

	var tokens = doc.length - min_run_length + 1;
	var doc_len = doc.length;

	/* Record the length of each document.  */
	documents_len[doc_idx] = doc_len;

	if (tokens <= 0)
	    /* Document is not long enough to have any matches.  */

	/* We don't report another match until we have skipped over
	   all the tokens in the last match.  */
	var min_token_idx = 0;

	for (var token_idx = 0; token_idx < tokens; token_idx++)
	    var match = doc.slice(token_idx, token_idx + min_run_length);
	    var match_loc = [ doc_idx, token_idx ];

	    var match_tag = match.join("\x01");

	    if (match_tag in match_table)
		if (token_idx >= min_token_idx)
		    /* If there are matches, find the best and record it.  */
		    var best_match = [ doc_idx, token_idx, null, 0, 0 ];
		    var matches = match_table[match_tag];
		    var nr_matches = matches.length;

		    for (var idx = 0; idx < nr_matches; idx++)
			var match_peer = matches[idx];
			var peer_doc_idx = match_peer[0];
			var peer_doc = documents[peer_doc_idx];
			var peer_token_idx = match_peer[1] + min_run_length;
			var peer_len = documents_len[peer_doc_idx];
			var our_token_idx = token_idx + min_run_length;

			if (no_self_similarities && peer_doc_idx == doc_idx)
			    /* Self similarity, skip for now.  FIXME:
			       Make this an option.  Note: If we allow
			       self-similarities, there can be
			       overlapping matches like in: "a b c d a
			       b c d a b c d" which has matches "[1: a
			       b c d [2: a b c d :1] a b c d :2],
			       which is a coloring problem.  */

			while (peer_token_idx < peer_len
			       && our_token_idx < doc_len
			       && peer_doc[peer_token_idx] == doc[our_token_idx])
			var len = our_token_idx - token_idx;
			if (len > best_match[4])
			    /* We found a better match.  */
			    best_match[2] = match_peer[0];
			    best_match[3] = match_peer[1];
			    best_match[4] = len;
		    /* Any good match found?  Record it. */
		    if (best_match[2] != null)
			min_token_idx = token_idx + best_match[4];

		/* In any case, we keep this location as a possible future
		   match.  */
		match_table[match_tag] = [ match_loc ];
    return final_match_list;

/* Simple text markup framework.  */

/* A textnode is a chunk of plain text within the DOM tree.  */
function textnode(node)
    /* Save the original node.  */
    this.textnode = node;

    /* This is the target node for replacement.  */
    this.target = $(node);

    /* words is an array of [word, whitespace].  The first word and
       the last whitespace may be null.  */
    this.words = [];
    var tokens = node.nodeValue.match(/[^\s\-]+|[\s\-]+/g);
    if (tokens.length > 0)
	var words = this.words;
	var i = 0;
	if (tokens[0].match(/[\s\-]/))
	    words.push([null, tokens[0]]);
	    i = 1;
	for (var len = tokens.length - 1; i < len; i += 2)
            words.push([tokens[i], tokens[i + 1]]);
	if (i == tokens.length - 1)
	    words.push([tokens[i], null]);

    /* Marks is a sorted array of [start, end, classlist] where start
       and end are relative to this textnode.  The list of ranges is
       complete, ie it covers all words (classlist may be empty).  */
    this.apply_classes = function(marks)
	var ostr = "";

	var words = this.words;
	for (var i = 0, ilen = marks.length; i < ilen; ++i)
	    var mark = marks[i];

	    var classlist = mark[2];
	    if (classlist.length > 0)
		ostr += '<span class="' + classlist.join(" ") + '">';
		ostr += '<span>';

	    /* jend is inclusive, but we don't print the whitespace
	       for the last word within the span.  */
	    var jend = mark[1];
	    for (var j = mark[0]; j <= jend; ++j)
		var word = words[j][0];
		var whitespace = words[j][1];
		if (word !== null)
		    ostr += word;
		if (j != jend)
		    ostr += whitespace;
	    ostr += '</span>';

	    /* Add last whitespace.  */
	    if (words[jend][1] !== null)
		ostr += "<span>" + words[jend][1] + "</span>";
	/* Force HTML interpretation and inclusion of all textnodes.  */
//	var newnode = $("<span>" + ostr + "</span>");

	var newnode = $(ostr);
	this.target = newnode;

function textblock($item)
    this.textnodes = []
    this.orig = $item.html();

    var textnodes = this.textnodes;
    function _extract($item)
	$item.each(function() {
	    /* "this" are DOM elements, type 3 is a text node.  Note:
	       Some browsers may have multiple text nodes next to each
	       other (32 KB maximum), but for simplicity we will break
	       the token at such a boundary.  It's hard enough to get
	       stable ranges under crazy dom-tree manipulations as it
	       is.  As a work around, you can insert any html tag
	       somewhere between two words to break it up to be under
	       32KB a piece.
	       FIXME: Do not do this for all nodes.  Ignore <pre> and
	       other nodes where words aren't words and can't be
	       easily wrapped in span.  */
	    if (this.nodeType == 3)
		textnodes.push(new textnode(this));
    /* words is an array of [word, position] where position is a
       scalar.  word may be null (indicating a leading whitespace)!  */
    this.words = [];
    var words = this.words;

    /* The offsets of the textnodes into the words array allow easy
       mapping back and forth.  We add the total word count at the end
       so we know the range for all textnodes, not just the start
       offset.  */
    this.textnode_offsets = [ 0 ];
    var textnode_offsets = this.textnode_offsets;

    var offset = 0;
    for (var i = 0, ilen = textnodes.length; i < ilen; ++i)
	var node_words = textnodes[i].words;

	var limit = offset + node_words.length;
	for (var j = 0, jlen = node_words.length; j < jlen; ++j)
	    words.push([node_words[j][0], offset + j]);
	offset = limit;

    /* Each element in markups is [start, end, classlist], where start
       and end are inclusive positions and classlist is an array of
       class names to apply.  To make the clipping a lot easier, we
       keep the list sorted and free of gaps (classlist is empty for
       an unused range).  */
    this.markups = [ [ 0, this.words.length - 1, [] ] ];

    this._cut_before = function(pos)
	var markups = this.markups;

	/* Find the range that contains pos.  */
	var loc = markups.binarySearch(pos, function(markup, pos) {
	    if (markup[1] < pos)
		return -1;
	    else if (markup[0] > pos)
		return 1;
		return 0;

	if (loc < 0)
	    /* Should never happen.  */

	var markup = markups[loc];
	if (pos == markup[0])

	var end = markup[1];
	markup[1] = pos - 1;
	markups.splice(loc + 1, 0, [pos, end, markup[2].slice()]);

    this.apply_class = function(cssclass, startpos, endpos)
	/* Mark a region for a CSS class.  */

	/* Cutting the existing regions at the positions we want to
	   apply a class makes the following algorithm a lot easier,
	   because existing regions are then either completely
	   contained in the new range or completely outside.  Because
	   we start with the full range, all ranges exist, so no gaps
	   need to be filled.  */
	this._cut_before(endpos + 1);

	/* Now we can copy the existing ranges into the new list,
	   adding missing classes as we encounter them.  */
	var markups = this.markups;
	for (var i = 0, ilen = markups.length; i < ilen; ++i)
	    var markup = markups[i];
	    var mstart = markup[0];
	    var mend = markup[1];
	    if (startpos <= mstart && mend <= endpos)
		/* Add the cssclass if it is missing.  */
		if (markup[2].indexOf(cssclass) < 0)

    this.realize = function()
	/* Render all marked changes.  */

	var textnodes = this.textnodes;
	var textnode_offsets = this.textnode_offsets;
	var markups = this.markups;

	/* This is easier to do if we first cut at all textnode
	   offsets.  We never need to cut at 0 or the end, so skip the
	   first and last item.  */
	for (var i = 1, ilen = textnode_offsets.length - 1; i < ilen; ++i)
	/* Now we group the ranges by textnodes, convert the position
	   to textnode-local positions and pass them on to the
	   textnode module.  */
	for (var i = 0, j = 0, ilen = textnode_offsets.length - 1, jlen = markups.length; i < ilen && j < jlen; ++i)
	    /* limit is the beginning of the next node, so exclusive.  */
	    var offset = textnode_offsets[i];
	    var limit = textnode_offsets[i + 1];
	    var marks = []
	    /* Doesn't matter if we use start or end position here, as we cut beforehand.  */
	    while (j < jlen && markups[j][1] < limit)
		var markup = markups[j];
		marks.push([markup[0] - offset, markup[1] - offset, markup[2]]);
	    /* We call this even if marks is empty, in case the
	       textnode wants to do something at realization time.  */

/* Extract a cleaned up list.  */
function clean_list(list)
    var tokens = [];
    var ids = [];

    for (var i = 0, ilen = list.length; i < ilen; ++i)
	var item = list[i];
	var token = item[0];

	if (token === null)

	token = token.replace("ß", "ss");
	token = token.replace(/[^a-zäöüA-ZÄÖÜ0-9\u0410-\u044F\-]/g, "");
	token = token.toLowerCase();
	if (token != "")
    return [tokens, ids];

/* Integration into Wikia.com and our fragment layout.  */
jQuery.fn.fragment = function(name)
  var table = this.children("table");
  if (table.length < 2)
     /* Probably a wide table wrapper.  */
    table = this.children("div.WikiaWideTablesWrapper").eq(0).children("div.table").eq(0).children("table").eq(0);
    table = $(table.get(1));

  /* Extract original data.  */
  var row = table.children("tbody").children("tr").eq(1);

  var cells = row.children("td");
  var td1 = $(cells.get(0));
  var td2 = $(cells.get(1));
  var id1 = name + "-0";
  var id2 = name + "-1";
  td1.attr("id", id1);
  td2.attr("id", id2);

  /* Stash away the original data, so we can restore it, minimizing
     the effect we have on the DOM tree if the user is not interested.  */
  var txt1 = td1.html();
  var txt2 = td2.html();

  var textblocks = [new textblock(td1), new textblock(td2)];
  var list1 = textblocks[0].words;
  list1 = clean_list(list1);
  var list2 = textblocks[1].words;
  list2 = clean_list(list2);

  var docs = [list1[0], list2[0]]
  var ids = [list1[1], list2[1]]

  /* You can adjust this.  */
  var min_match_len = parseInt(this.attr('title'));
  if (! (min_match_len >= 2 && min_match_len <= 10))
    min_match_len = 4;
  var sims = cmp_text(docs, min_match_len);
  /* Colors have css classes "fragmark1" to "fragmark9" */
  var col = 0;
  var nr_col = 9;
  for (var i = 0; i < sims.length; i++)
    var res = sims[i];

    textblocks[res[0]].apply_class("fragmark" + (col+1), ids[res[0]][res[1]], ids[res[0]][res[1]+res[4]-1]);
    textblocks[res[2]].apply_class("fragmark" + (col+1), ids[res[2]][res[3]], ids[res[2]][res[3]+res[4]-1]);

    col = (col + 1) % nr_col;


  /* Stash away all the hard work so switching is instant.  */
  var coltxt1 = td1.html();
  var coltxt2 = td2.html();

  /* You can change the default here.  */
  var toggle_state = frag_color_default;
  if (toggle_state == false)
      /* Restore original.  */

  /* Create and install toggle button.  */
  var hrow = table.children("tbody").children("tr").eq(0);
  var th = hrow.children("th").eq(1);
  var idb = name + "-b";
  var button='<input id="' + idb + '" type="button" value="Farbig" style="float: right;" size="6" class="secondary">';
  var cb = function(event, toState)
    if (toState == null)
      toggle_state = !toggle_state;
      toggle_state = toState;

    if (toggle_state)
      /* Replace with colorized version.  */
      /* Restore original.  */
    return false;
  $("#" + idb).click(cb);

function marcusb_fragcolors()
    /* Paranoia.  */
    /* Paranoia ausgeschaltet, weil wir jetzt auch https und neuer URL haben, aus de.vroniplag.wikia.com ist vroniplag.wikia.com/de
        geworden und jetzt gehen beide http und https
    if (wgServer != "http://de.vroniplag.wikia.com/")

    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">'
  + ' .fragmark1 { background-color: #c2f598; }'
  + ' .fragmark2 { background-color: #a7c6f2; }'
  + ' .fragmark3 { background-color: #f29f9f; }'
  + ' .fragmark4 { background-color: #aff2be; }'
  + ' .fragmark5 { background-color: #e8a3ff; }'
  + ' .fragmark6 { background-color: #e6e181; }'
  + ' .fragmark7 { background-color: #b8b8ff; }'
  + ' .fragmark8 { background-color: #f5cf9f; }'
  + ' .fragmark9 { background-color: #a5e6ed; }'
  + '</style>');

    /* Layout builder frags and SMW frags look identical for us.  */
    var frags = $("div.lbfragment").add("div.fragment");
    var idx = 0;
    function once()
       var frag = $(frags.get(idx));
       var name = "frag-" + idx;
       frag.attr("id", name);
       try { frag.fragment(name); } catch (err) { window._fragcolor_err = err; }
       idx += 1;
    while (idx < frags.length)
    /* With only one fragment it's too confusing, as we don't skip a
       state that's already achieved by individual states (all off or
       all on).  We hope that with more than one frag, this occurs
       rarely.  */
    if (frags.length >= 2)
       $("#WikiaRail").append('<section class="fragtool module">'
         + '<h1>Fragment-Werkzeuge</h1>'
         + '<p><input id="fragall-b" type="button" class="secondary" value="Alles Farbig"></p>'
         + '</section>');
       var toggle_all = frag_color_default;
          toggle_all = !toggle_all;
          for (var i = 0; i < frag_list.length; i++)
            frag_list[i](null, toggle_all);

  if ($("div#fragcolors_app").length > 0)

    /* Install the styles for the app.  */
    $("head").append("<style type='text/css'>"
      + "#fragcolors_maintext { width: 950px; } "
      + "#fragcolors_column1 { float: left; padding: 10px; width: 440px; border: 1px solid gray; } "
      + "#fragcolors_column2 { float: right; padding: 10px; width: 440px; border: 1px solid gray; } "
      + "</style>");

    /* Install the app.  */
    $("div#fragcolors_app").html("<p id='fragcolors_myinput'><input type='button' id='fragcolors_settext' value='Texte vergleichen!'</button><span style='padding-left: 10px;'>Min. Länge einer Fundstelle:</span><input type='input' id='fragcolors_minrunlen' value='4' size='4'/></p>"
      + "<div id='fragcolors_maintext'>"
      + "<div id='fragcolors_column1'>"
      + "<textarea id='fragcolors_text1' style='width: 430px; height: 250px;'>...</textarea>"
      + "<div id='fragcolors_main1' style='white-space: pre-wrap'><p>Hier den ersten Text einfügen, der untersucht werden soll.</p></div>"
      + "</div>"
      + "<div id='fragcolors_column2'>"
      + "<textarea id='fragcolors_text2' style='width: 430px; height: 250px;'>...</textarea>"
      + "<div id='fragcolors_main2' style='white-space: pre-wrap'><p>Hier den zweiten Text einfügen, der untersucht werden soll.</p></div>"
      + "</div>"
      + "</div>");

      // $.spin.imageBasePath = './img/spin/';


      var td1 = $("#fragcolors_main1");
      var td2 = $("#fragcolors_main2");
      var textblocks = [new textblock(td1), new textblock(td2)];
      var list1 = textblocks[0].words;
      list1 = clean_list(list1);
      var list2 = textblocks[1].words;
      list2 = clean_list(list2);
      var docs = [list1[0], list2[0]]
      var ids = [list1[1], list2[1]]
      function colorize(sims)
// For spin-button support, we need this:
//      textblocks[0].clear();
//      textblocks[1].clear();

        /* Colors have css classes "fragmark1" to "fragmark9" */
        var col = 0;
        var nr_col = 9;
        for (var i = 0; i < sims.length; i++)
          var res = sims[i];
          textblocks[res[0]].apply_class("fragmark" + (col+1), ids[res[0]][res[1]], ids[res[0]][res[1]+res[4]-1]);
          textblocks[res[2]].apply_class("fragmark" + (col+1), ids[res[2]][res[3]], ids[res[2]][res[3]+res[4]-1]);
          col = (col + 1) % nr_col;
      // FIXME: Argh, integer!
      var len = parseInt($('#fragcolors_minrunlen').val());    
      var sims = cmp_text(docs, len);

	min: 1,
	max: 100,
	lock: true,
	changed: function(val)
	    $('#myinput').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
	    $.doTimeout(10, function(){
		var sims = sim_text(docs, val);


          td1 = $("#fragcolors_main1");
          td2 = $("#fragcolors_main2");
          textblocks = [new textblock(td1), new textblock(td2)];
          list1 = textblocks[0].words;
          list1 = clean_list(list1);
          list2 = textblocks[1].words;
          list2 = clean_list(list2);
          docs = [list1[0], list2[0]]
          ids = [list1[1], list2[1]]
          len = parseInt($('#fragcolors_minrunlen').val());    
 	  sims = cmp_text(docs, len);



/* Monkey-patching FTW!  See renderPreview function in:
   which contains the following code:
   // fire an event once preview is rendered
   $(window).trigger('EditPageAfterRenderPreview', [contentNode]);

               function(event, contentNode)
                 /* Something arbitrary but unique.  */
                 var idx = 900;
                      idx = idx + 1;